Saturday, June 8, 2013

Build Break Mold Make

Build Break Mold Make

Project1542 Audio log

   Building down tempo to an up tempo building up beat, that’s the best way to describe this monster, and this monster was a beast from beyond. Monster in the sense that its long…you should be used to that by now, and Monster because some VST instruments %#)E*(&@(  don’t like to play with others in a crowded environment. I want to blame Live but after more investigation poor programming on the VST side is to blame.
   Most of this was a far cry from what it was sounding like in my head, but none the less the outcome was greater than expected. The biggest step in where I want to go is really improving on some scales and chords. If you listen to some of the recent stuff you can see the pointy head-stock of a guitar permeating the mix. The blues pentatonic scales and chords are what I have used to build the Project1542 from the ground up. This has worked well for the heavy rock/metal/blues background, on the other hand its coming to the limits of where I would like to take the music. 
   On that idea I am going to take some time until the next post focus on some chords and scales. If you really like this song and where it is going, don’t stress this kind of greatness doesn’t just get thrown out and I will be revisiting it soon in the future.
   Listen to the recent audio logs and at least my feeling is around a quarter of the way to final touches here. If we can keep ignoring family, friends, and the infamous “you should have been there party” the music will keep churning and burning. For now it’s off to the valley of the sun, there is something about playing music in house in the woods with vaulted ceilings that brings out fantastic creativity.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Dark Die or Consumed

Project1542 Audio log

This one is short and sweet. I was told there was a synth by Hans Zimmer, if you don’t know who he is, he has been behind the music of such films as: Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, The Last Samurai, Inception the list goes on and on. So I jumped a chance for a really complex synth with some really awesome patches. I have been playing around with it and well here we are, the drums and guitar are the only peace’s not produced by the synth. All of the other sounds are coming through zebra except some compression through Ableton. 

-There will be more stuff in a couple of days got some more fantastic work on the way, this has been a tiny side project...for today at least.