Friday, August 31, 2012

A Review!

Thanks to the guys at A&R for taking the time to listen and post a review!

Reviewed by A&R dept

Music Comments: The music here is prog rock and free-range electro-fare. "Flying in the Sky" is a psychedelic wonder with its soft auto-tune and lightly recorded vocals. Other highlights are "Reflection of a Soul", an acoustic melody with raw rock notes, and the weirdly melodic "Give the people what they want" - a super unique blend of guitar chords and fun, trippy notes.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Songs are loaded, graphics art and page layout seems to be working fine. If they would only let expand the background image larger, it would look like project1542 site! However it does look good for the moment, and also seems functional for selling songs and other Project1542 related information. The next problem is the song limit, Ex Atrum In Lux Lucis(web) was 19 tracks so we did have to rummage out some good a bad tracks.  Track list for the new CD is set back a couple of days but it will be here. I am still currently working on the summer Project1542 electronic compilation 15min song...... and I am working, time ? possibly a day 4 at the most. New problems for the week ahead.......... For now head on over to ........Promofm Project1542 for more info.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

PromoFM page

Working on the PromoFm page you can now check it out below, its in the works so don't be to impressed as of yet. The Snapshot was taken 8-23-12 11:49PM MST. Working towards uploading ex atrum in lux lucis (web release) and should be available soon..... After the break a mix, stan is working on compilation mix called Warp of Time and Space!...even more....... The latest album song list is coming and will be posted in a few days.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Project1542 Audio Log 8-6-2012

Blood sweat and metal has gone into this next one as the electronic experiment continues.
Cast of Iron by Project1542....

We are getting close to the end of the electronic experiment, 
this will not be the end but the beginning for many songs that will be chosen to be 
remastered and redone. After the mix we will be focusing on making some Rock, 
Metal, Blues, ect.... it wont be the end of electronic stuff simply a break. 
Thanks to Grim, John, and Evan!

Project1542 Audio Log 8-6-2012

Blood sweat and metal has gone into this next one as the electronic experiment continues.
Cast of Iron by Project1542.... We are getting close to the end of the electronic experiment, this will not be the end but the beginning for many songs that will be chosen to be remastered and redone. After the mix we will be focusing on making some Rock, Metal, Blues, ect.... it wont be the end of electronic stuff simply a break. Thanks to Grim, John, and Evan!